Kennedy on Human Liberty: Nothing Greater to Fight For

Kennedy is the wild, yet thoughtful, libertarian TV personality. She contributes to Reason, Fox News, and is a radio talk show host. If you haven’t heard of her by now- well- you should. Above is a video done by the Illinois Policy Institute, a free market think tank that works to restore economic prosperity to the state of Illinois.

Not gonna lie here, she can be raunchy and obnoxious, but that’s kind of why people like her. Beyond that, she’s a smart and thoughtful political activist, and she defies popular entertainment by NOT BEING A FLAMING LIBERAL. Thank you, Kennedy.

“It’s okay to fight against the status quo, but the status quo exists on both sides.” Truth.

She points out that both sides- republican and democrat- have differing opinions about what freedom is, but they both regard it as important. The point she is making, and one that I regard as imperative, is that freedom must be consistent. She says, “When you’re talking about freedom, you gotta be all in.” We’re talking about human liberty here, and that is something worth your energy.

We have two major parties whose principles are based on “dogma and emotionalism”. You guys, this must change. Republicans base their ideas of religious dogma, disregarding the facts. And democrats base their views on emotionalism, disregarding reason. Both will lead us into a fiery pit of hell (no pun intended).

And the entertainment industry… Oh god, the entertainment industry. But, there’s hope! Kennedy has seen a shift- more people are willing to “come out of the closet” as libertarian or conservative now. She explains that there used to be so much “groupthink” that many people were not comfortable expressing their beliefs. I’m so glad to see this shift, small but substantive. I love when I see people like Kennedy, John Stossel, and Vince Vaughn dominating the scene, transfusing delectable nuggets of libertarianism and conservatism.

Again, this isn’t a fight against republicans or democrats, it’s a fight for people. And for the prosperity and happiness of life.

P.S. I’m also extremely jealous that she got to hang out with people like Tori Amos, Trent Reznor, David Bowie, Kurt Cobain, Eddie Vedder, and Chris Cornell.

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